Mixin in Java

什么是Mixin 维基百科的解释是: In object-oriented programming languages, a mixin is a class that contains methods for use by other classes without having to be the parent class of those other classes. How those other classes gain access to the mixin’s methods depends on the language. Mixins are sometimes described as being “included” rather than “inherited”. 简...

2024-01-08 · 于川海


申明: 大部分内容来源于网络,我不生产知识,我只是字符串搬运工。 在Algorithms for scalable synchronization on shared-memory multiprocessors这篇论文中,CL...

2020-08-21 · 于川海


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2020-08-19 · 于川海


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2020-01-21 · 于川海


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2019-11-19 · 于川海